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Frequently Asked Questions.

  • Whats the turn around time for services?
    For document preparation (resume, cover letter, letters) the normal turn around time is 5-7 days. Express turn around times are an extra $25 if needed the next day. If needed within 3-4 days it will be an extra $15. All website services can take up to 2-4 weeks. Timing can vary depending on specific requests.
  • How do I send you my information needed?
    All information for all services will be emailed to me. After purchasing your order I will send an email to you requesting the information needed.
  • Will the resume and cover letter get me a job?
    As I cant gurantee that you will land the job, I can say that a good resume and cover letter will increase your chances of being hired. A well written resume is key to success.
  • Are there any refunds/ returns?
    All sales are FINAL. Once the service is paid for there will be no returns or refunds. My time and effort begin as soon as I receive the payment, refunds are non-negotiable.
  • No Shipping needed?
    This service is done virtually. No shipping is needed, you will recieve all documents via email through a PDF and word document file. For website services you will be given the log in info once the website is completely finished and launched.
  • What if my resume needs edits due to mistakes you may have made or something I may not like?
    Be sure to review information to ensure all details are accurate, if not; contact me within the next 3 hours after receiving to establish the solution of any mistakes, any edits can be done within the next 48 hours

© 2023 by Elaina Jackson

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